Vetrina Vetrivit C Drops For Bird
HIGHLIGHTS Supplement for birds Useful to meet vitamin needs of cage birds such as budgies, canaries and parrots. Promotes growth and vitality Prevents stress Improves overall health Helps to fight against vitamin defficiency Boosts immune system Buy...
Skyec Bird Plus - Multivitamins For Birds
FEATURES Specially formulated for - Parrots, Pigeon and Love Birds Improves health. Increases bird's resistance to disease. Better breeding results Maintains healthy growth, full feathering, and brilliant colour. Buy...
Natural Remedies Himalayan Batisa Powder
FEATURES Meant for animals like cows, buffalos, goats, sheeps, etc. Digestive and general tonic Promotes better digestion and supports optimum productivity in ruminants It is a blend of phyto-actives /digestive herbs and is trusted to be the first choice among...