Why Your Cat Isn’t Eating & What You Can Do About It

Published | 5 min read
Why Your Cat Isn’t Eating & What You Can Do About It


Do you have a cat that just won’t eat? Is she refusing the treat she has always loved? Now that just won’t do. Having a cat that refuses to eat can make you feel helpless but if you figure out why she isn’t eating you can remedy the situation and help her. If your cat has skipped several meals or gone a few days without food, you need to take action. Depending on the severity of the issue you might even require veterinary intervention. Let us explore some of the reasons why your cat might not be eating and understand some actions that could be taken to remedy the situation.

Some reasons why your cat may not be eating:

  1. Health issues: There are plenty of medical conditions that can make a cat lose her appetite. A medical reason should be the first thing that is investigated if a cat isn’t eating. Some of the health conditions that could cause your kitty to lose her appetite are: 

        Respiratory diseases: Having a respiratory problem can affect your cat’s sense of smell or ability to breathe leading to a loss of appetite. Respiratory problems may clog your cat’s nose and affect her lungs making it difficult to breathe and thus unable to consume anything. If your cat cannot smell the food or breathe easily while eating, she may choose not to eat at all. 
        Digestive system issues: Problems with your cat's stomach, intestines, pancreas, or other parts of its digestive system may cause her to stop eating. The digestive system is susceptible to many things, like changes in diet, toxicity, illness, parasites, and so on. If your cat has consumed something she should not have like chocolate or even some small object, it can result in a GI (gastrointestinal) disorder or emergency. Diarrhea, vomiting, attempting to vomit and not being able to defecate are some of the symptoms you may see in your cat prior to her refusal to eat anything.
        Dental diseases: Aching teeth or gums can cause your cat to lose her appetite and refuse anything to eat. Tartar build up and gingivitis, as well as inflammation in other tissues of the mouth can be quite painful which makes her unable to consume anything. 
        Physical pain: Aching bones and joints or injuries that cause pain can be all your cat can focus on which may make her want to go hungry till the pain goes away. Prolonged pain of any kind may make your kitty lose her appetite which will result in poor health. 
  2. New food: Many cats don’t take kindly to changes in their regular food. Cats are known for their picky eating habits so a change in their regular diet may kill their appetite till they adjust to it. Other than not liking the smell or taste of her new food,an upset stomach due to that food may also be the cause behind your cat’s refusal to eat it. 

  3. Change and stress: The most common reason a loss of appetite occurs in cats is change. Most cats are sensitive to changes around them including new home, new owner or a new addition to the family. Even something as simple as feeding them an hour earlier than usual. New changes in your cat’s environment will be followed by stress which would result in excessive shedding and yes, loss of appetite. Any changes to your cat’s environment may increase her stress level and temporarily affect her food intake.

  4. Recent Vaccinations:  A recent vaccination is one of the common reasons for  loss of appetite in cats. They may not feel like eating anything for 24-48 hours post vaccination. Allergic reactions to a certain vaccine may also cause loss of appetite in cats. Don’t let this stop you from getting your cat a vaccination because the side effects are rare and most of the time it’s minor but the immunity from vaccination is for a lifetime. 

How can you help?

It’s important to pay attention to any changes in your cat’s habits and behaviors, especially when it comes to eating. Through observation, you will be better positioned to determine the cause and accordingly find a solution. Here are some ways you can help if your cat isn’t eating: 

  • Visit a vet: If your cat hasn’t been eating for more than a day, it’s time to visit a vet. Your vet will be able to identify any underlying health issue and treat it accordingly. He may also provide you with a treatment plan that you can implement at home for a minor health condition. Remember, even if it is not a health concern after all, ruling it out is the first thing you should do before exploring other solutions. 
  • New food: When your cat is introduced to a new type of food, she may not like it at first or even at all. The best thing you could do is make small changes gradually instead of making big changes all at once. You can try to feed the new food for one of the three meal times per day. You can also feed a bite of the new food during every meal to get her used to the taste and gradually increase the intake.  
  • Manage change: Cats dislike change, whether minor or big changes. Anything that may affect her daily routine can cause your cat to stress out. When these changes occur, it is best to make minimal changes at first, gradually increasing so that your cat can also get used to it. If you are adding another pet to the family, familiarize your cat with their scent and make frequent interactions between them so that things can go smoothly. In some cases, big changes are inevitable and cannot be taken slowly. At times like these, the only thing you can do is provide your cat with love and attention so that she can go through these changes successfully with your help. 

Reasons for your cat’s loss of appetite can be as simple as being a picky eater to as serious as an underlying health condition. Regardless of the reason, it is very important to ensure that your cat does not skip meals frequently. Health of your pet should be the first priority for any pet parent. Proper veterinarian visits and keeping an eye out for any behavioral changes will greatly help you to determine the cause of your cat’s sudden lack of interest in food. Pay proper attention so that your feline can live a healthy and nourishing life.

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